Thursday, 30 May 2013

Popcorn box for sight words

This makes practicing sight words every day a lot more fun :)

Going home!

Going home!

I'm looking forward to seeing my family in Ireland, especially Abigail & Amelie!I'm also 
looking forward to making new friends ( My best friend is Josh but he can get really 
annoying at times: like when we were having a fight on the trampoline because he wanted 
to play puppies on it and I wanted to JUMP on it (Which is what there for.), so he kicked 
m in the chin but I punched him in the stomach and then he was such a baby and then a 
week later I had to stay with him because Mummy & Daddy were going to a meeting and I 
thought he would have cooled off but he hadn't so he was really mean to me. I actually 
had more fun with his little sister Rachel than with him.) I'm also looking forward to 
the grass and going to real school.

Going home!

There are lots of things that i am looking forward to!I am looking foreward to : 
Disneyland!,It will be so fun!I cant wait to see abigails face when we tall her! I'm 
looking forward to getting a puppy!I have wanted one for 5 years. I  cant wait to get him 
and give him loads of cuddles! I am looking foreward to alices wedding!I cant wait to get 
my dress and shoes and get my hair and nails done! I cant wait to see abigail and amelie! 
It wiil be so fun to go and stay with them! I cant wait to see hannah and shauna! We can 
go shopping together!
I cant wait to go home! Green grass,nice food,our house,friends and family!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Beach :)

Last weekend we went to A for the weekend. Mum was away so it was just 
me,Dan,Reuben,Daddy, Noel and Rachel.We had planned to go surfing in T,but no-one 
replied to my email about borrowing boards! The car journey to get to Taghazout takes 
about half an hour, but the journey is nice because you can see the waves. When we got 
there we rented three foam boards and drove down to the beach. It was so hot that the 
sand burnt our feet and we had to run to the sea! The board was so heavy that I had to 
drag it to the water. I'm only a beginner and I can just stand up... and fall down. On my 
first wave I was too far up on my board and I went over the handlebars. I think I stood 
up on my third wave, it was amazing. I stood up lots after that. What you ahve to do is 
pick your wave, jump on your board with your back to the wave, and you paddle for dear 
life. If you don't, the wave goes over you. When you're in the wave and balance, you go 
on one knee, then you half kneel and try to stand up (and not die.) There are lots of 
swimmers, so I accidently crashed into a little girl,... twice! The waves were perfect 
and the water was cool, clean and clear. It was so fun, except that we all had board 
burn, sore backs, sore heads (from board bashes), and were exhausted, but it was still 

Surf's Up!!

Last week, we went to T!
We rented surfboards and did surfing!! I loooooooove 
surfing. It’s so awesome!! I very nearly stood up!!!!!! I got dunked 100,000,000,000 
times. At the least. Anyway, Noel & Rachel went to the board shop to rent the boards and 
when they got them Noel attached them to the car roof so it felt like the scene in “The 
Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”when the giant spiders are climbing Radagast’s hut. Then we 
had to drive for a bit. Reuben & I got dunked so much we practically swallowed the 
Atlantic Ocean!!! We had pizza. I did a lot of surfing 7 dunking. I’m good at both. I’m 
amazing at dunking. Anyway, surfing is very good. Noel is pretty good. But not as amazing 
as Bethany Hamilton. I like surfing.

The End

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Scavenger hunt journeys!

We drive 1.5hrs to the city regularly so we like to keep occupied!

Monday, 13 May 2013

My imaginary dog...

I love my dog!! We got her yesterday. She was in a dog’s home. She is only a little 
puppy. We called her Poppy. She likes to snuggle on the sofa. Her favourite food is 
sausages.Sometimes I sneak her into my bed sometimes. I have trained her how to beg, sit, 
come, and play dead and how to play “Hide and Seek”. She is white with brown patches. We 
got her a collar with her name on it. I bring her to Shauna’s house to play with Alfie. 
Reuben has taught her how to use a blaster and Dan has taught her to bark the Doctor Who 
theme tune!!

I love our dog!!!!!!!!! XXXXOOOO

My imaginary dog...

My dog’s name is Jasper. He is a German Shepherd Collie cross. He is very cute. Jasper 
loves me. And I love him 
with him and make him do tricks like “Play Dead” and “Roll Over”. He can also play “Hide 
and Seek”!!!!!!!!!!! Jasper loves dog biscuits and chicken and bones. I love him 

But he can be very naughty. Once he killed a rabbit and another one and another one and 
another one and another one and he was in BBBIIIIGGGG trouble. But I love him lots like 
jelly tots, and so does he! Jasper is mine!!!

Friday, 10 May 2013

My dog...

Narwals are real!!


When I travelled back in time...

When I Travelled Back In Time

When I travelled back in time, I first went to the dinosaur age I almost got eaten by a 
t-rex! Then i found some cavemen and held helped them invent fire!

Then i went to a Viking age and built long ships with them.

After that i went to the Tudor era and i played tennis with Henry VII(i won and i just 
missed being beheaded!)

Then i went forward a bit and had tea with Queen Elizabeth I.

Then i went to a French aristocratic ball in a meringue of a dress.

After that i visited our house in Edwardian times.

Then I went to Victorian England and had tea (again) with Queen Victoria.

And finally i gave Neil Armstrong the quote “one small step for man, onegiant leap for 
man kind”